Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Final Paper Reflection

            My biggest challenge in researching and writing my proposal would have to be actually deciding on the problem and knowing what information I need to research in order to solve the problem. My problem for St. Luke’s was getting volunteers that experienced in different fields of medicine. The thing is I kept changing mine so I had to do more and more research. Eventually I knew what I wanted to do. I spent a good amount of time doing the actual research because it was hard to find the right information. I thought to myself “how do I find factual information on volunteering.” I broke it down into pieces. I looked at other medical clinic websites to see statistics about their volunteers. I ended up finding a few which helped me out big time.

            When I came to writing my proposal, it was also a little difficult. When I write a paper I like to have examples to look at which is one thing I loved about this class is that we had that. By looking at the examples I found out how to set up my introduction in the form of two paragraphs. I also found out how to set up my thesis. One thing that helped the most was the conference with Mrs. Thomas. She really gave me a good idea of how to complete my paper.
            I feel like the best element to my final proposal would have to be my introduction. I feel like I really introduced the problem well. I started with explaining what a free medical clinic is and what they do for people as well as their mission. As I continued my introduction I started to get more specific by discussing St. Luke’s Free Medical Clinic. I talked about my experience volunteering their and the problems I saw their. After that I got into my thesis. It created well developed part by part introduction.
           I feel like the weakest element of my final proposal is the conclusion. I was kind of lost when it came to the conclusion. I spent a long time trying to come up with different ways I could write one but none of it was any good. Once I got to go to my student conference, Mrs. Thomas explained really well on what to include in my conclusion. It made things a lot easier for me. Even though Mrs. Thomas helped me, I still felt my conclusion was missing something but I just couldn’t figure it out.
    I think that I could have done a few things differently. I think that with the literature review I could have probably asked more questions in class to help myself out and done some research on my own time to help. I think if I started the proposal a little earlier I could have done more research which in turn would help with proposal.
        Over all I feel like my paper was a success and ended up turning out really well. I did the research that was needed and proposed a well thought up solution. These proposals are a good idea because if anything I'm sure at least one of these papers can make a difference at these nonprofit organizations. 


Every other day at St. Luke's, the work I did was pretty much the same, calling and filing. I did not want to do anything else because mostly all the other jobs you needed to have experience for which I didn't. I guess the only other thing I could have done is the front desk job. Im pretty sure that there was some inexperienced people doing jobs that a nurse would. Not sure how that was possible but hey.

St. luke's continued

Another job that St. luke's  had me do was filing medial records. They didn't really show me exactly how to file them. When they train new volunteers they don't really do a good job to be honest. Even though, I could figure it out, it wasn't hard. Filing probably took me the longest because there was just so many medical records. I was surprised they didn't just have all the information on a computer in stead of on paper. There was barely any room left for any more records. If anything they need to buy another book shelf. One thing I noticed was that as I was filing I started to realized that a lot of the records were out of order. It's going to suck when they have to go look for them. Anytime I saw one out of order I tried to put it in the right place to help out a little.

Working at St. Luke's Continued...

My first day working at St. Luke's was a success over all. I can not lie that it was kind of boring. I did not know what to expect at first but it was all good. My job for the day was to call their patients in order to remind them of their appointments. The people that were working with me were really cool and funny. I was like "OK this isn't so bad," however, they gave 5 sheets of paper completely full of names and phone numbers I had to call. I felt like I was constantly repeating myself over the phone but it wasn't so bad. It got really bad when I discovered that some of their patients don't even speak English. A lot of them speak Spanish. I don't know if they thought I was Hispanic or what. I remember one phone call I made to one of the patients where I told him that I was calling from St. Luke's and etc and he goes "who is this?" I said "St. Luke's" then he said "where is that at?" At that point I just couldn't help but laugh. Like you go to St. Luke's to get free health care and your asking me where it's at? I think it took me like almost 2 hours to finish calling everyone. That was only my first job for that day.

Day 1 @ St. lukes Lawend Barzenji

My first day at St. Lukes Free Medical clinic was a success. I did not actually get to do any work but it was cool to see how the whole place opperates even though they are a free medical clinic. I found out that they run entirely on donated money. That is really impressive because medical stuff requires lots of money. They Provide health care to uninsured patients and even provide prescription medication for free. Their patients are really nice people as well. The way they treat their patients is through their system of volunteer doctors who don't even get paid to work their. Not only do they have doctor volunteers but anyone can help them out, which is why I went there today.

Monday, March 21, 2016

How Can St. Lukes Provide Free Medical Care to Uninsured People and Provide A More Variety of Medical Service

           Recently I have been doing service work for St. Lukes Medical Clinic. They are a clinic that gives free medical service to people who have insurance but can not afford to pay for medical service. Even though It provides a great service there still are problems that they run into. One problem that I noticed was that they do not provide medical care to uninsured people and they do not provide any kind of dental care what so ever. This does not affect me personally but it does effect the community of Spartanburg. The first thing that they told us when I started my service work was that they do not provide dental work. Dental work is really expensive compared to getting treated for sickness. I mean just to get braces is a few thousand dollars. Having bad teeth can lead to disease as well. Some people can not even afford medical insurance, where those people go to get treated? That is why I think this is a huge problem because if St. Lukes is willing to help people get treated for free with medical insurance then why not people with out it. The steakholders of the problem would be the patients, volunteering doctors, staff of St. Lukes, and nurses. For this problem I will be doing research using academic search complete on the USC Upstate library online resources as well as books and other scholarly websites.

Questions I have for the topic/steakholders
1. How can we raise money to help uninsured people
2. How can we raise money to help get dentist materials
3. Where can we get donations for equipment
4. Can we provide insurance for the uninsured
5. How can we get dentists to come in and volunteer
6. is it possible to help those who are uninsured
7. How can we get doctors to come in and volunteer more often
8. Can we set up a work schedule for volunteers instead of just letting them come in when they feel like it.
9. Do people with insurance still have to pay out of their own pocked
10. How can donations help with the problem

I have found a few resources as E-books and in academic search complete. I always seem to run into problems when typing papers and so far I have trouble with knowing what to research. For example finding  the right key words to use in my research.